Aman Chugh
Author, Consultant, Speaker and Trainer
CA Aman Chugh, whose name is a keyword on Google with over 1.2 million searches & with over 10,000 Fan following over Social Media, stands as a reputed name in the World of Financial Markets. Being one of the youngest Chartered Accountants of India & having gained huge experience and expertise in complex fields including Investment Banking, Corporate Banking, Derivatives (Including Technical Analysis & Fundamental Analysis on underlyings such as Equity & Currency) & Risk Management, he is currently the most sought consultant in the Corporate & Financial World on such domains. He has gained his experiences while having worked at Senior & Middle level Management positions with reputed Brands including Price Water House, Ernst Young (Dubai), General Electric (USA) and ICICI Bank Limited. Having been exposed to International Financial Markets and to almost all Financial Instruments for over a decade, he also holds varied positions such as including Chairman, Chairperson, Advisor, Consultant and Trainer to various Fortune 500 Companies, Large Corporates, SMEs, & Bodies and Associations including Confederation of Indian Industries, RBI & Other Government Organizations. He has to his name the credit of being the First Author in the World to have written a Book on Financial Derivatives which covers Currency and Interest Rates strategies, which has been published by PEARSON and has reviews from reputed Senior Management people from Ministry of Finance, RBI & Large Corporates including Reliance Industries, Indian Oil, Larsen Toubro, TCS, Wipro and others. He also delivers sessions at reputed B-Schools and Institutions such as ICAI, ICSI, IIT-Delhi, MDI, IIFT, and SRCC.
Being one of the youngest Chartered Accountants of India, an MCom, and an Executive MBA (Banking stream), he brings with his presence the vast experience and expertise in Currency and Rates Derivative Markets, which he has gained while working as Zonal Head (North Zone)– FX Channels in Global Markets Group of ICICI Bank Ltd. He has a total experience of over 15 years which includes an undisputed exposure of 8 years in Derivatives including Fundamental & Technical Analysis on various underlyings namely Currency, Equity, Indices & Commodities.
He is currently pursuing PhD (Doctorate in Philosophy) in the domain of Currency Derivatives and Risk Management Policy to research further on his practical learnings related to Financial Derivatives. He is currently on the elite Training Board/Panel for ICICI and delivers training sessions on Derivatives and allied areas on behalf of ICICI related to Equity, Currency and Interest Rate Markets.
In the past, he has worked with PriceWaterHouse Coopers (in India), Ernst Young (in Dubai) and General Electric (India and USA). Having worked in Industry, Consulting and Banking, he possesses a unique blend of over 15 years of expertise and experience in the fields of Auditing, Business Valuation, Corporate Restructuring (including Mergers and Acquisitions), Project appraisal & Corporate Finance, Trade Finance & Documentation, Bonds issue & Valuation, Multinational Financing & Foreign Exchange, Currency and Interest Rate Derivatives and Risk Management (Including Fundamental & Technical Analysis).
Presently his profile includes:
- On the elite Training Board/Panel for ICICI delivering training sessions on Equity, Currency & Interest Rate Derivatives & Risk Management techniques.
- Has been invited by RBI (The Central Bank of India) to deliver knowledge based consultancy cum training sessions on Corporate Funding and Foreign Exchange Risk Management to its Senior Management, to the various Banks, & to various Corporates.
- Chairman to an All India Committee of CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) on Total Cost and Finance Management for advising MSMEs on Financing and Hedging decisions. The Committee includes eminent personalities from Ministries including Ministry of Finance & Ministry of MSMEs; Regulatory Bodies including RBI & FEDAI; Corporate Heads from varied Fortune 500 Companies including Reliance, L&T, Bharti, Tata; Senior Management and National Heads from Financial Institutions and Banks including Pvt and Public Sector.
- Chairperson/speaker on various forums including that of CII and similar bodies. His views have often been covered by leading newspapers and magazines, including Financial Times, Indian Express, Business Standard and others, for educating the masses.
- On the Advisory panel of the Capital Markets Study Group of Northern India Regional Council of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India giving technical advice on Financial Markets to different Government Bodies and Corporate Forums.
- Member of Content Developing Committee of ICAI & has developed certain modules on various MDPs & other programs run by ICAI for Senior Chartered Accountants at decision making positions with reputed Corporates & in Private practice.
- First Author in the World to have authored the first ever practical book on “Financial Derivatives: The Currency and Interest Rates Factor” (which includes Exotic Derivatives & matches perfectly with Indian context- Due to live practical exposure in Indian Derivatives Markets). The Book has been published by PEARSON (Reputed most Publisher of the World) and the Foreword has been put forward by Managing Director and Head Credit Suisse Bank. It also contains reviews from Jt Secretary-Ministry of Finance, General Manager-Reserve Bank of India, and from Treasury & Finance Heads of reputed brands such as Reliance, TCS, HCL, L&T, Wipro, Essar, GMR, Indian Oil, Maruti Suzuki.
- Managing Partner of MarketConnected Advisors LLP (“MarketConnected”). PWC (Price WaterHouse Coopers) has recently entered into Joint BusinessRelationship with MarketConnected wherein MarketConnected shall act as an external Forex and Commodity Risk Management Consultant to various Agricultural clients of PWC. MarketConnected analyses financial markets (Equity, Commodity, and Foreign Exchange) through its proprietary Technical Analysis system titled as “CANDO” and “Turtle Trend Recognition System (TTRS)” and manages Risk through its proprietary Risk Analysis & Management System titled as “Turtle Advanced Risk Management System (TARMS)”. MarketConnected’s another vertical provides Foreign Exchange Risk Management advisory to Corporates and helps Corporates to formulate risk management policies and design bespoke hedging solutions. It provides its clients with indepth reports containing precise high probability technical trades and also provides training on its proprietary advanced technical analysis system which currently caters to more than 10,000 Industry professionals who are working at senior positions in top Corporate such as Reliance, LIC, TCS, Indian Oil, Indian Aviation, GMR, Essar, Dr Reddys, India Bulls, Anand Rathi, and others.
On the panel of reviewers for PEARSON & Vikas Publishing (Renowned Publishers) wherein have reviewed various works of eminent professors and academicians.
Have been a Consultant/Trainer to varied Fortune 500 and other premier organizations/associations and corporates such as:
1. LIC (A Fortune 500 Company)
2. Punjab National Bank
3. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (A Fortune 500 Company )
4. Hindustan Times Group
5. Alcatel Lucent (A Fortune 500 Company)
6. Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd (A Fortune 500 Company)
7. Telmar (a wholly owned subsidiary of Jabil Inc having a Revenue of USD 18 Billion: A Fortune 500 Company)
8. Ascendas (Fund size of USD 11 billion)
9. Aricent Technologies (Revenue of USD 1 billion)
10. Indian Aviation Sector
11. Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC)
12. Ministry of Labor & Employment
13. CII (Confederation of Indian Industries)
14. Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) which is an International and independent Premier association of Finance Professionals having members from more than 430 companies across 82 countries.
Guest Faculty/Visiting Faculty to highly rated Management B-Schools, Institutes, and Universities such as:
1. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)
2. The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI)
3. Indian Institute of Technology-New Delhi (IIT-D)
4. Management Development Institute (MDI)
5. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT)
6. Institute of Technology and Management (IMT Ghaziabad)
7. International Management Institute (IMI)
8. Sri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC of University of Delhi)
9. NIFM under Ministry of Finance
10. Panjab University
11. Chitkara University