More than 28 years of professional experience in capital
markets. Trained more than 1,51,000 participants through 1,521
workshops (for mutual fund distributors, CFPs and
regulators; as well as for investors) across 130 different
locations across the country, as well as online. Done
extensive work in the area of investor education along with
SEBI, NISM and various Asset Management Companies.
Written articles for mainstream media, e.g. Times of India, Business Standard, Outlook Money, Mumbai
Samachar, Mid-day (Gujarati edition), www.moneycontrol.com, www.morningstar.in, and
www.bloombergquint.com. Published 868 articles totally.
Authored the following books:
1. Published by TV18 Broadcast Ltd, a CNBC group company
a. “Riding The Roller Coaster – Lessons From Financial Market Cycles We Repeatedly
Forget”. The book is available in three languages, viz. English, Gujarati and Hindi. (2015)
b. “Personal Finance Lessons from the ICU” (2018)
c. “The Whole Thing Is That Ki Bhaiya Sabse Bada Rupaiya – Personal finance lessons from
Bollywood”. The book is available in two languages, viz. English, and Gujarati. (2018)
d. “Investories – Anecdotes from the financial world” (2019)
e. “Immunize Your Financial Health” co-authored along with six other authors (2020)
2. Published by Four Leaf Clover
a. “Moneywise – Perspectives for Women” co-authored with Ms. Kiran Telang, Financial
Planner (2021)
Involved in various projects with NISM including development of certification programs for the
intermediaries. Has co-authored the following workbooks for NISM:
1. NISM Series V-A certification examination workbook, and
2. NISM Series V-B certification examination workbook.
On the examination committee for the following NISM Certification Examinations:
• NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Examination
• NISM-Series-X-B: Investment Adviser (Level 2) Certification Examination
• NISM Series-XVII: Retirement Adviser Certification Examination
Been a guest lecturer at various Management Colleges.
Awards and recognition:
• Chosen by Chitralekha magazine as 50 Glorious Gujaratis for the year 2019
• Recognised as among India’s 25 best finance teachers 2021 by Association of International Wealth
Management of India
Educational qualifications: BE (Instrumentation and Control); MBA (Marketing).