Dr. Praveen Kumaar Saxenaa
MBBS(OSM), DMRD,FCMT (Clinical Metal Toxicologist), FACAM, FRCAM
- Medical School Osmania Medical College Hyderabad 1990.
- Internship Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad 1991.
Specialty Boards:-
v DMRD University of Health Sciences A.P. 1994
v Fellow Clinical Metal Toxicologist (IBCMT)
v Fellow Member of American College for Advancement in Medicine
v Fellow Royal College Alternate Medicine ( Dublin)
v Member - IMA & IRIA Hyderabad
v Member - World Society of Antiaging Medicine (WOSAAM)
v Member - Society of Toxicology.
Dr. Praveen Kumaar Saxenaa is a radiologist based at Hyderabad. With Vast experience in the field of ultrasound guided interventions, he groomed himself to focus on non-invasive therapies like, Intravenous Chelation Therapy, Far Infra Red Detox, External Counter Pulsation (ECP), Anti-aging, Ozone Therapies etc.Apart from his specialization in the areas of Radiology, he is also a Board certified CLINICAL METAL TOXICOLOGIST (IBCMT). He is one among the only 8 qualified Clinical Metal Toxicologists in India and a Fellow Member of American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), FRCAM (Dublin), Member - IMA and IRIA, Hyderabad.
Over 20 years Dr.Praveen Kumaar Saxenaa MBBS DMRD FCMT.,has helped people with chronic health problems using latest advances in complementary & integrative medicine,which emphasizes science based natural therapies in place of surgery & prescription medications. With Vast experience in the field of Radiology ( interventional), he has done extensive work in AUTISM & vaccine safety He adopted chronic disease management programs using novel treatment procedures like Detoxification, metabolic weight loss, nontoxic cancer therapies( immune modulation, nutraceuticals) External counterpulsation (non surgical bypass), Ozone & HYPERBARICS therapy for addressing various ailments He ia a author of a book DEALING WITH CANCER The essence of his practice is balancing the physiology and biochemistry at the cellular level by removing toxicity and & correcting oxygen levels. He brings these effective therapies at his Center For Progressive Medicine Hyderabad Telangana.
He always keeps himself abreast with the new developments in the field of medicine & attends and addresses the seminars across India to contribute his mite in spreading the awareness about the benefits of the new therapies. Participated in Martin Lockheed INDIA INNOVATES (FICCI ) IN 2008 regarding medical innovations
The high incidence of degenerative diseases in all walks of life in the present society has become a cause of concern to the medical world today.The etiology of the disease is highly misleading and complicated but the main cause is attributed to the “Atmospheric Pollution” in different forms right from air, water, food and the various types of gadgets and products which are being used in our day to-day life style.
HOW TO PREVENT CANCER Most cancers occur in people with no family history, so environmental factors must play a significant role in the causation of the disease. we are all exposed to a cocktail of carcinogens and endocrine disruptors every day that puts us at greater risk for cancer, and we need to prioritize and invest in identifying and preventing exposures We need to stop this disease before it starts.
- IBCMT metal toxicology 2009 ,2010,2011,2012
- ISSMTCT conference 2009,2010,2011,2012
- Ozone Forum Of India 2011, 2012,2013 2015
- Dr.S.N.Mathur Oration award – IMA central 2012
- IMA Warangal, Hyderabad North ,Zaheerabad
- Aditya ,Nilofour ,Osmania General Hospital MNJ Cancer hospital
- OGSH ( Gynaecology society Hyderabad) 2012
- Medwin ,Mahavir Hospital, Princess Esra Hospital Olive Hospital
- Shadan College,Nizam College
- Osmania University – Biomedical engineering
- Hyderabad Industries Limited BHEL , NFC Walkers clubs Rotary club
- Appeared in TV-9 i-news sakshi ,hmtv,RubyABN – world cancer day-cancer alternates
- interview on environmental medicine ,ozone therapy
- Alternatives to bypass, cell phone – medical menace , Diet concepts
- & autism –vaccine issue
- AIR - morning health talk ,
- PPC conducted CEO meet at ISTA hotel 2011 –nutrition for night shift bpo employees
- Wellness –how to maintain health LAN Hypothesis
- Cell phone disasters Goa talk in ISSMTCT 2013
- Global Cancer Conference HITEX Hyderabad 2014
- Multiple scleroses society Hyderabad chapter 2012 & 2014
- Mumbai – Toxicity talk in BCCI 2011
- Andhra Chamber of commerce about wellness
- Delhi Public School Secunderabad Toxicity talk 2014 - 8-9 standard
- Dr.Kakarla Subba Rao International school 2014
- Conducted TOXICITY IN THE CITY in collaboration with FICCI at Surana Auditorium FAPCCI Hyderabad
- Innovative weight loss – Obesity seminar Kamma Sangham Hyderabad 2013
- Symposium on Can Drinking water cause Heart Disease 2014
- Impending Medical Disasters - Bar Council High Court AP 2014
- NDMA FICCI drill at vizag may 2015