Former Founder Employee and thereafter an Executive Director who retired from the services of the Authority in November, 2010. He is presently an Advocate enrolled with the Bar Council of Delhi and also a qualified Arbitrator and Mediator. He is practicing Corporate Insurance Law and compliance of insurance regulatory issues as a chamber practice.
Mr. Prabodh Chander is well versed in the insurance law and has been a key person in preparing IRDA Regulations, guidelines and circulars from time to time. He has performed multifarious activities in almost all the areas (except Actuarial) of establishing the institution of the IRDA and thereafter in performance of its functions till the date of his retirement. He is well traveled in India and abroad and trained in foreign jurisdictions in the financial and insurance supervision matters. Before he was taken up by the Government in the IRA (now known as IRDA) in January, 1996, he was a Direct Recruit Officer of GIC in New India Assurance Company Ltd. He joined the insurance sector in 1977.
He has a very great ambition to help the Indian insurance agency force in any activity in which the community of agents consider it appropriate.