Mr. Suraj is has done his B.A (HISTORY)/M.B.A/C .I.I (U.K).
Started his Life Insurance career in L.I.C Agent from 1988. Since then, having 13000 policy holder clients across India, Maharashtra and Karnataka. GALAXY CLUB members of L.I.C since from 2014 till date. Continuously last 25 years has qualified “MILLION DOLLAR ROUND TABLE (U.S.A)” last year done his C.O.T.
Mr. Suraj is very active in his social life, was President in many santha as SIDDHARUDHA DEVASTHAN, Patanjali Yog Pith (Haridwar), RASTRA SEVA DAL, ANTAR BHARATI (Goa Unit), “KULPURUSH KELBAI MAYEKAR.
He has received many awards like “Rastriya Samaj Bushan Award” “DALIT SAKHA PURASKAR”.
He has constructed “KULPURUSH KELBAI MAYEKAR” temple at Kamral Curchorem Goa with his own cost for his samaj people.