Tony Gordon is one of the best known names in the world of financial services.
He is a Past President of the UK Life Underwriters, Past Chairman of MDRT’s Top of the Table and the only non North American to have served as President of MDRT.
In the UK
He has spoken in over 40 countries, to every major life insurance event in the world.
He is an author, his first book “It Can Only Get Better” being a best seller in five languages and he was featured as one of twelve outstanding financial services professionals in the book commissioned by MDRT titled “The Greatest Insurance Stories Ever Told.”
This 35 year life insurance veteran has qualified for MDRT twenty seven times and for MDRT’s Top of the Table twenty six times. Tony now focuses his time on speaking and coaching others to achieve their potential. Whether in sales or in management Tony believes “Success is never a matter of chance. It can be a matter of choice.”